Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, and where possible, prevent a wide range of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. This means issues relating to your nerves, bones, joints, tendons, muscles and soft tissues. These parts of the body support your weight and help you to move, therefore, when there is an issue it can affect your body’s function and mobility, and can cause varying degrees of pain.
The following areas are some of the most common issues we deal with but there are of course many more.
Find out how we can help you reach your health goals by booking your initial assessment and find out what chiropractic can do for you.

Back Pain
Back pain is experienced by the majority of people at some point in their life; it can come on suddenly as the result of an injury or build up over a period of time. There are many causes of back pain and once your chiropractor has identified exactly what is causing your pain, they will create a tailored treatment and rehabilitation plan which will relieve your symptoms and treat the underlying cause of your pain.

Joint Problems
Chiropractic treatments can be applied to any joint in your body from knees and shoulders to ankles and wrists. Your chiropractor will first carry out a full assessment to determine the cause of your symptoms. They will then create a tailored chiropractic care plan to relieve your immediate symptoms, whilst also working to treat the underlying cause of your issue.

Headaches and Migraines
If you are affected by headaches or migraines then you know all to well how debilitating they can be. Medication may help to mask the pain and offer temporary relief, however, our aim is to treat the cause of your headaches.
Some of the most common causes can be:
- Injury
- Upper neck issues
- Irritation of the joints or nerves
- TMJ (jaw joint) issues
Medical research has shown that in the long term, chiropractic care can lessen the frequency, duration, intensity and severity of headaches, even in people who have suffered with them for years. Find out how chiropractic care can help you.

Neck Pain
Neck pain can be incredibly uncomfortable and you may even find that the pain radiates into your head, shoulders or arms. There are different types of neck pain and many possible causes, including:
- Injury
- Sprains or strains
- Joint isuues
- Bad posture
- Sleeping awkwardly
- Repetitive strain injury
Your chiropractor will carry out a detailed assessment to identify the root cause of your pain and will then create a tailored treatment and rehabilitation plan which will help to reduce your symptoms whilst also treating the underlying cause.

The symptoms of Sciatica can be extremely unpleasant and can include pain, weakness or numbness radiating down one or both legs. Your chiropractor will help to relieve your pain and minimise your symptoms as soon as possible, whilst also treating the underlying cause. Some of the most common causes of sciatica are:
- Injury
- Sprains or strains
- A bulging disc
- Bad posture
- Sleeping awkwardly
The reasons vary from person to person, which is why a tailored plan is the most effective way to treat the underlying cause of your pain.

Disc Problems
Injured or irritated spinal discs and nerves can be complicated by numbness, stiffness and weakness. The pain you feel can be immense and may also radiate into your legs. At Poundbury Chiropractic you will benefit from a selection of non-invasive treatments from which you will continue to adapt and improve throughout the course of your care.
Chiropractic Maintenance Care
Many conditions develop over time and can be attributed to issues with your posture or repetitive strain. Chiropractic maintenance is a proactive approach to your care, with the focus on preventing issues from occurring in the first place. As with most people, you will likely benefit from some easy to do exercises and a few do’s and don’ts which are specific to you.
Chiropractic Pediatric Care
Chiropractic treatment is safe for people of all ages and is just as beneficial to the wellbeing of your babies, children and teenagers as it is for the adults in your family.
What can you expect
from your visit?
Every care is taken to ensure that you’re comfortable, fully at ease and understand what is happening at all times.